2020 - News
This year’s edition of World Chinese Economic Summit was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on December 21, themed “connecting business, promoting shared prosperity and sustainability in the post-Covid new economy”.Amid this winter’s resurgence of coronavirus cases, panelists agreed that international economic cooperation is pivotal and pressing even though global trade tension continues.
With a focus on economic reinvigoration and international trade and investment under the post-Covid new normal, Prof. Fan Gang, President of CDI, and Dr. Guo Wanda, Executive Vice President of CDI, spoke on China’s economic outlook and “dual circulation”, and the promotion of sustainable financing for Belt and Road Initiative.
On October 9, the State Council issued a circular, outlining plans to improve the quality of listed companies, in an effort to achieve healthy development of the capital market and perfect the socialist market economic system.
Regarding to the issue, China Development Institute heldChina’s high-quality development of listed companies forum on December 9. Think tank experts, industry and business representative shared views and insights onlisted company governing, sustainable development and investing, to answer the question,how listed companies can achieve high-quality development with the utilization of capital market.
During the forum, CDI research team launched Shenzhen listed companies development report. The report reflets the status quo, characteristics and trends of the development of Shenzhen listed companies by analyzing the current problem of Shenzhen listed companies’ development.
On December 4, China Development Institute and National School of Development at Peking University co-hosted the 149th NSD Policy Talk on China’s economic outlook amid the COVID-19 outbreak and new international challenges. The event was also livestreamed on multiple media outlets.
Prof. Fan Gang, President of CDI, Prof. Yao Yang, Dean of NSD, Prof. Tang Jie, former Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen, Prof. Huang Yiping, Deputy Dean of NSD, and Dr. Zheng Shilin, Research Fellow of NSD shared insights on the economic challenges that China faces in a time of global uncertainty. The panelists suggested that China needs to continue the endeavor in scientific research, technological innovation, reform of state-owned enterprises and finance industry.
Themed “innovation, opening-up and stability”, China Development Institute held China’s financial centers development seminar in Shenzhen on December 4, 2020. Government, industry and regulatory representatives shared insights on financial regulation, as well as preventing and controlling financial risks in a time of “dual circulation”.
During the seminar, CDI research team launched China’s Financial Centers Index 12. The CDI CFCI 12 is composed of 94 factors separated into four assessment area. These are financial industry performance, financial institution strength, financial market scale and financial ecological environment. Thirty-one financial centers are included in this edition. China’s top 10 financial centers for competitiveness, according to CFCI 12, are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Chongqing, Nanjing and Wuhan.
On November 24, Mr.Peleg Lewi, Consul General of Israel to South China, visited CDI and exchanged ideas on the economic development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, as well as Sino-Israeli economic and academic cooperation with CDI researchers. Dr. Guo Wanda, executive vice president of CDI, shared insights on GBA’s overall framework, economic structure and its unique competitive strengths, which is the steadily growing inflow of young talents and the integration of a rich and long industry chain.
On August 11, Dr. Guoping Zhang shared views on China's experience and practice on coronavirus prevention and control, and elaborated on the economic recovery action plan and challenges brought by the pandemic. This lecture was part of the online training program "Enhancing Trade Competitiveness for Goods and Services: Issues and Strategies in Post-Pandemic World" organized by Mekong Institute. Participants of the program include mid-level officials from government ministries and departments, think tanks, academic and research institutions, as well as those from the private sector representing business associations, export companies, and SMEs representing Lancang-Mekong countries.
At a time when the global economy is facing a major shock from the Covid-19 pandemic, financial centres will play an enormous role in assisting recovery, as well as being candidates for recovery themselves.
On July 15, representatives of financial centres across the world were brought together during the online conclave co-organized by Z/Yen Group and China Development Institute in discussion of areas of common interest on restarting economies, adjusting strategies, and renovating financial centres for the next decade. Speakers include: The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of The City of London, Alderman William Russell, as well as Alderman and Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli.
Dr. Liu Muyun, CDI Guest Research Fellow and Director of the National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Personalized Cellular Therapy, participated in the virtual session of BRICS collaborating more effectively against the global pandemic as a panelist.
Dr. Liu Muyun shared Chinese experience in containing COVID-19 and its impact on Chinese individuals and businesses, and then she pointed out that the new normal of post-COVID-19 would be like strengthening regulation on cross-border flows of people and goods, creating supply chain resilience, building remote business models and supporting healthcare IT infrastructure.
The panelists, healthcare sector business leaders from the BRICS countries, agreed that BRICS should collaborate more effectively by sharing COVID-19-related information and knowledge, making special allocations for medical supplies and pharmaceutical products, and mobilizing funds to cope with the global pandemic.
*Photo Credit: CII