British Consul Economic in Guangzhou Visited
On December 30, Dr. Guo Wanda, Executive Vice President of CDI, met Mr. Steve Arrick, Economic Consul of the British Consulate-General Guangzhou. They exchanged views on Shenzhen’s working priorities in the 13th Five-Year Plan and the development and opportunities of the fintech industry in Shenzhen. Dr. Guo noted that innovation is the key word in the 13th Five-Year Plan of Shenzhen and that…
China Top Think Tanks Pilot Project
CDI has been designated as one of the 25 China Top Think Tanks in a pilot project of the Chinese government since 2015.
List of the 25 China Top Think Tanks:
Development Research Center of the State Council
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Academy of Engineering
Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C
Chinese Academy of Governance
Central Compilation &…
Delegation from the Japan-China Economic Association Visits CDI
On December 22, 2015, Delegation from the Japan-China Economic Association (JCEA) led by Director Ms. Sogawa Mika visited CDI and met with Executive Vice President Dr. Guo Wanda and other research fellows. The discussion was centered on how to achieve a low-carbon economy in urban planning and industrial upgrading. Institutional innovation in the green economy of Shenzhen and specific cases of…
Founder of New Context AB Visited CDI
On November 2nd, Mr. Bengt Johansson, Founder of New Context AB and former Swedish Consul-General in Shanghai paid a visit to CDI and exchanged views with Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department and Ms. Yu Jun, Researcher at CDI. Mr. Bengt Johansson who was also Swedish Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ambassador, has been dedicated to CSR research and teaching for…
Executive Director of Greater China Division, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Visited
On October 23, Mr. David Hartman, Executive Director of Greater China Division, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada paid a visit to CDI and had a discussion on Shenzhen’s economic development with Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department and Dr. Liu Guohong, Deputy Director of Finance and Modern Industry Research Center. Dr. Liu mainly elaborated on Shenzhen’s…
SCUT Research Team Visited CDI
On October 14, a field study team headed by Dr. Lin Huihuang from Institute of Public Policy of South China University of Technology (SCUT) and Dr. Wang Ou from School of Public Administration of SCUT visited to learn about the operating model of CDI, a successful think tank. Mr. Liu Rui, Assistant to the President, Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department and Mr. Zheng…
Trade Commissioner of Pacific Islands Trade & Invest Visited
On September 26, Mr. David Morris, Trade Commissioner of Pacific Islands Trade & Invest, visited CDI and exchanged views with Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department. Director Feng Yueqiu briefed the delegation about the history, research and consultation, exchanges, and operation mechanisms of CDI. The two parties agreed on research & consultation cooperation and…
Korean Delegation from GyeongGi-Do Visited CDI
On August 26, Korean Delegation from Gyeonggi-do led by Lim, Hae Kyu, President of Gyeonggi Research Institute (GRI) visited CDI, and the two think tanks signed a co-operation agreement. To begin with, President Lim and Executive Vice President Guo Wanda made thorough introductions about the two institutes respectively and Cui Xiande, Head of Gyeonggi-do Provincial Department of Economy, and Li…
British Consul in Guangzhou Visited
Mr. Matt Perrement, British Consul in Guangzhou for political and economic affairs, visited CDI and met Dr. Guo Wanda, Executive Vice President of the institute and Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department. Dr. Guo Wanda Briefed the background and priorities of promoting development of eastern, western and northern area in Guangdong, and mainly analyzed the role of…
Australian Consul in Guangzhou Visited
Mr. Chris Yost, Australian Consul in Guangzhou for political and economic affairs, visited CDI and met with Dr. Zhang Jiansen, Director of Finance and Modern Industry Research Center, Dr. Yu Lingqu, whose research focuses on financial industry, and Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department. The interview intention was to grasp the full picture about status quo of China’s…
Swiss EMBA Student Delegation Visited
EMBA student delegation from management school of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) paid a visit to CDI for a lecture on Shenzhen Special Economic Zone presented by Dr. Guo Wanda, Executive Vice President of the institute and met with Dr. Zhang Jiansen, Director of Finance and Modern Industry Research Center and Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International…
Dr. Geoffrey T.M. Chow Visited
Dr. Geoffrey T.M. Chow from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne Australia visited CDI. Ms. Feng Yueqiu, Director of International Cooperation Department, introduced Development course, research focus, consultation projects, and academic exchange. With an in-depth discussion on how to conduct collaboration, they reached a tentative agreement on holding a Shenzhen promotion seminar to…
Indonesian Scholars Visited
Dr. Yose Rizal Damuri, Head of Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and his colleague Dr. David Christian paid a visit in CDI. Dr. Liu Guohong, Deputy Director of CDI Centre for Finance and Modern Industry Research and the research fellow Dr. Yu Lingqu met with the guests. Dr. Liu reviewed the development history of Shenzhen as China’s first Special…
Royal Norwegian Consul in Guangzhou Visited
Mr. Lars Børresen, Royal Norwegian Consul in Guangzhou, interviewed with Dr. Wang Guowen, Director of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Department of CDI. Dr. Wang briefed visitors on the significance of Free Trade Zones (FTZs) in terms of infrastructure construction, industrial development and institutional innovation, and compared the functional positioning of China’s three newly…
South African Scholar Visited CDI
Ms. Yazini, a South African scholar, paid a visit in Shenzhen for her report on the experience in developing a successful Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Professor Li Luoli, Vice Chairman of CDI, and Mr. Lu Wenbin, Director of Regional Planning Department of Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission had an in-depth discussion with Ms. Yazini. Prof. Li illustrated Shenzhen SEZ’s…
Australian Consul-General Visited
Mr. Dominic Trindade, Australian Consul-General in Guangzhou, and Ms. Julie-Anne Nichols, Australian Deputy Consul-General in Guangzhou, paid a visit to CDI and met with Dr. Qu Jian, Vice President, and Researcher Yu Jun. Dr. Qu briefly introduced the background and status quo of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone(SEZ), and then answered a series of questions concerning the planning of Free Trade…
Field Trip to Indian SEZs in VCIC Region
Commissioned by Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Department of Regional Development Planning of CDI launched the study on development strategy and policies on SEZs in the region of India’s Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) on March 1, 2015. The project’s inception report was submitted on March 16, 2015. From April 23 to 30, Vice President Qu Jian, Mr. Zhou Zhenbang, Senior Consultant of…
Singapore Consul Visited
Ms Chay Yuen Ting, Consul of the Republic of Singapore and Ms Yap Si Hong, Vice-Consul of the Republic of Singapore visited CDI and were warmly welcomed by Dr. Zhang Jiansen,Director of Financial Research Centre. Dr. Zhang answered the questions concerning the role of Qianhai &Shekou Free Trade Zone and the construction of legal system in Qianhai raised by Ms Chay. He also analyzed the status of…
Tanzanian Officials Visited CDI
On 14th January, 2015, the Regional Commissioner of Kigoma, Tanzania, Mr. Issa S. Machibya, led a delegation of four to visit CDI. Vice President Dr. Qu Jian, Deputy Director of Regional Planning Department Dr. Peng Jian, and junior researcher Jin Xiaojia received the delegation and had a good discussion with the distinguished guests from Africa. The Tanzania delegation was first introduced…
Huawei International Experts Visited
A group of senior staff from Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paid a visit to CDI. Dr. Guo Wanda, the Executive Vice President made an introduction of the development of Shenzhen as China’s first Special Economic Zone. He shared his insights on the success factors of private hi-tech enterprises in Shenzhen and had an open dialogue with the guests.