With global economies struggling to revive, the global financial market is faced with both challenges and opportunities. The seminar brought together industry experts to comment on the outlook of global economy and the reshaping of international and domestic financial market.
After the seminar, the GFCI 29 launch was held in partnership between Z/Yen Group and the China Development Institute through a webinar, with the support of the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council. The Global Financial Centres Index has been tracking the development of the world’s financial centres since 2007 and is the authoritative guide to financial centre success. The webinar presented GFCI 29 results and how financial centres are progressing, and talked about Hong Kong’s latest development and the development of Chinese financial centres more widely.
Date: March 17, 2021
Host: CDI, Z/Yen Group, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council
Theme: Seminar on global economic outlook and launch of Global Financial Centres Index 29