Ruan Meng

Director, Public Economics& Organizational Innovation Centre

Research Focus
Public Economics, Industrial development

PH.D in Economics, Nankai University

Selected Projects
Revitalization and Development Plan of Shenzhen New Material Industry;
Revitalization and Development Plan of Shenzhen Panel Display Industry;
12th Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of Futian District, Shenzhen;
Revitalization and Development Plan of Shenzhen Biological Industry;
Revitalization and Development Plan of Shenzhen Internet Industry;
Study on Legislation of Shenzhen Trade Association;
Plan for Expanding Shenzhen Duty-free Zones; 
Investigation on Encouraging and Supporting Headquarter Economy of Futian District; 
Development Strategy for Shenzhen Guangming Co. Ltd.;
Development Strategy for Shenzhen Hua’an LPG Co. Ltd.; 
Development Plan for Shenzhen Tobacco Industry;
Policy and Countermeasures for Promoting Shenzhen Modern Manufactory Industry;
